GCHQ at the Heart of National Security for 100 Years – Helping to Keep Us All Safe
6 February 12:30
Seminar Room A, Manor Road Building
Speaker: Sir John Adye (Former Director, GCHQ)
Chair: Lucas Kello (University of Oxford)
In this lecture, Sir John Adye will draw on his professional experience as the Director of Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and now as Chairman of Identity Assurance Systems Ltd. He will reflect on how GCHQ’s role has developed over the past 100 years, in carrying out its vital national tasks - Signals Intelligence and Cyber Security. Sir John will then discuss some international challenges which face the UK and our allies, in a rapidly developing digital environment.
Sir John was in charge of a broad range of security and intelligence activities for more than thirty years. His most recent official position was as the Director of GCHQ (1989-1996). On retirement from government service, he was Chairman of the Country Houses Association and other charities in England. He joined the Board of the US National Biometric Security Project (NBSP) in 2003. Since then has been active in promoting a systematic approach to the use of biometrics and other credentials for secure human identification, and for ensuring the protection of personal privacy. He has been Chairman of Identity Assurance Systems (IdAS) since 2010.
All are welcome. Lunch will be provided at 12.15pm.