Breaking the Privacy Barrier: Big Data Style Analytics Using Secure Computing

Today’s digital privacy concerns stem from how computers and networks are built. Security was an afterthought in the development of both, sacrificed to speed up the dissemination of the technology. As a result, copying is easy and sharing data gives no control to their owners.

But we have caught up. Today, we can already build data sharing and linking systems that don’t see the data they are processing and give some control back to the data owners. Dan Bogdanov will be sharing stories about building and running such systems for evidence-based policymaking and fraud detection. He will also be sharing the reactions of data protection experts.

Dr. Dan Bogdanov is the inventor of Sharemind, a secure multi-party computation system for collecting, sharing and processing private data. He has been a research team lead for multiple privacy technology research projects with the United States DARPA, European FP7 and Horizon 2020. He is the co-author of the ISO/IEC 29101 standard on the architecture of privacy-preserving systems and the ISO/IEC 19592 standard on secret sharing.


All are welcome. Lunch will be provided at 12.15pm.

Places are limited. To book a seat, please register on Eventbrite.